21 Days Weight Loss Challenge; Lose Upto 7 Kgs in February.

Losing weight is not just a matter of a thing, it is a complete wholesome process that requires multiple efforts altogether in order to achieve the goal. I not only try to provide you with healthy diet plans to reduce weight, but primarily I also focus on practicing a healthier lifestyle as a long-term goal.

Easiest Indian Hacks to Lose Belly Fat!

Losing belly fat is quoted as a big task, but let me tell you, it is not! It can be simply fun and easy if you are wise and smart enough to know what is actually required and what is not!Without confusing you much, let's get straight to the point. Bascially, belly fat loss or

30 Days Weight Loss Challenge; Lose Upto 10 Kgs in September.

Small habits contribute big changes. So here I have come back again with another "WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENEGE" for you all for the month of september.Here are some very easy and simple ways to lose massive weight. https://youtu.be/MQj1itwamFk Chew your food for minimum 20 times. Set a window of 20 minutes to finish your main meal.

Lose 4 inches; July Weight Loss Challenge .

Season of monsoon is at edge, which makes it more difficult for you to act and stay motivated. Here is a special edition diet tips sequel for you to keep you focused with very simple and easy to follow things in order to not get deviated and stay on track.This is a time of season

8 चीजे जिससे हमेशा कंट्रोल में रहेगा वजन; Things All Slim People Do!(Not about Dieting or Fasting)

There will always be a group/set of people who never resemble their age, they always tend to look younger than their age. And we often get confused that how are they so different from us? What do they do to look young?So, few things were concluded when a research was conducted on these set of

Sara Ali Khan’s Weight Loss Transformation Diet Review | How She Lost 40kgs With PCOS PCOD

We will today be reviewing Bollywood Actress Sara Ali Khan’s Massive Weight Loss Transformation.Those of you who don’t know, she literally lost over 40kg of weight in 1-1.5years of Time period.Sara has always been a chubby girl right from her childhood. However, things went slightly out of hand when she went to study in Columbia,

Right Way to Lose Hormonal Belly Fat In Women; हार्मोनल बैली फैट से छुटकारा !

Hormones can cause extra belly fat in some cases. Hormones play a role in a variety of biological functions, including metabolism, stress, hunger, and sexual desire. If a person lacks specific hormones, it can lead to weight growth around the abdomen, which is referred to as a hormonal belly.So, for the basics, there are various

10 Super Easy Ways to Guarantee Belly Fat Loss. No Dieting, No Gymming.

We often underestimate the power of the difference we can add to our lives, even after adopting many small changes. It is not always necessary to go for big things, sometimes very simple and easy to do things can make a major difference. https://youtu.be/hMtc7BE5RfI Stacking Small Healthy Habits. As they say drops of water makes

Burn 300 Calories Daily This Summer; Without Dieting or Exercise

Whenever we think about "Losing weight", first step that comes to our mind is burning more and more calories!Burning more calories than you consume is the most important step in the ladder of weight loss.So here are some very simple and mindful techniques to burn or cut down at most 300 calories everyday in summers.Smart

90% of People Don’t Know About These ways to Lose Belly Fat (No Dieting, No Gymming)

Diet plus exercise equals weight loss right, "No" it's not entirely correct. Weight loss does have many other factors to consider too. Undoubtedly diet and exercise are the prominent factors for losing weight but weight loss is not entirely dependent on them.Any form of stress, no matter how mild, affects neurotransmitters that control: MoodThinkingAppetiteBehaviorIt and