Avoid these mistakes for weight loss

Staying fit and healthy is what we all aspire for. There are certain small but important mistakes which you can avoid to achieve consistent weight loss. Let’s look at some of the common mistakes which you should avoid https://youtu.be/VXl5AEmDz7c Focusing too much on scale Your weight doesn’t always tell the entire storyIt doesn’t tell the

Most Important Habits For Weight Loss

If you’re looking to be fit and in your ideal weight window, it is imperative to follow certain very important habits. These habits help you master some basic requirements that lay the foundation of weight loss. Let’s look at these habits https://youtu.be/gGN7Hrkrquo No crash diets Crash diets are probably the worst advice that one can

Does Desi Chai Have Any Benefits

Can we drink desi chai to support weight loss. Is Indian chai healthy ? We look to answer these questions in this article. Let’s see what are the reasons for desi chai not being considered healthy. https://youtu.be/vTsAy5SsLx8 Basics about desi chai Black tea has flavonoids, types of antioxidants called theaflavins and thearubiginsA cup of black

Kitchen Hacks To Eat Healthy

Cooking and eating at home is one of the best ways to stay and eat healthy. It is also one of the easiest ways to eat good nutritional food which doesn’t put a hole in your pocket. It is imperative however, that we make our cooking space that is our kitchen as convenient as possible. 

How Are The Japanese So Slim

Japan has one of the lowest obesity rates in the world. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons and Japanese habits and lifestyle which helps them maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid being overweight. Japanese are known for their high life expectancy and there are certain things which we can inculcate in our lifestyle as

The Best Of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is one of the most effective ways to lose weight and extra belly fat. Intermittent fasting leads to a number of body changes that promote fat burning and hormonal balance. Intermittent fasting is also a convenient way to lose weight. Let’s look at certain must do’s to ensure that intermittent fasting is as

Yoga For A Healthy Life

Yoga is an ancient practice that involves physical poses, concentration and deep breathing. Regular yoga practice can promote endurance, strength, calmness, flexibility and well being. Yoga is one of the most popular form of exercise around the world. Yoga can be traced back to northern India over 5,000 years ago. Overall philosophy of yoga is

How To Shed Laziness And Increase Productivity

From time to time all of us feel the desire to be idle, to do nothing, resist effort, procrastinate and postpone doing things. This is okay to do once in a while after working very hard but if this happens too often, on a daily basis than it needs to be addressed. There are certain

Weight Loss Challenge

August Weight Loss Challenge

Rather than jumping to sudden weight loss plans / schemes and diets, it is important to understand what causesd weight gain. Accordingly, one needs to plan for long term weight loss process. The first step we take to improve our lifestyle for weight loss is to come up with a schedule or routine. https://youtu.be/lJd1Ta0lqIg Healthy

A Day In My Life

How you plan your day is imperative for maintaining good health. Good health is all about a good routine, exercise and a balanced diet. https://youtu.be/KjilLkb922A Morning routine A good morning routine entails waking up on timeYou can wake up on time if you sleep earlyGetting enough sleep is the key to good health as deep