Weight Loss Challenge

November Weight Loss Challenge

Hello everyone, hope all of you are doing good and are keeping healthy and happy. This festival detox weight loss challenge will motivate you to work even harder to achieve your fitness and health goals. If for some reason, you’ve not been able to keep up with your fitness goals, it’s never too late to

Which Drinking Water Is The Best

Water is life. Water is needed by our body from digestion to removing toxins. From brain function to joint lubrication, from muscles to cells, from liver to lungs, almost all our body parts are dependent on water for their proper functioning. Upto 60 % human body is made of water. Brain and heart are upto

Remedy for permanent loss of lower body fat

Some of us have a perpetual problem of gaining fat around the thighs and buttocks. This article discusses the reasons for abnormal fat around the thighs and buttocks and what can you do about it. Although this fat is probably the most stubborn fat in the body, there are remedies and things which you can

October Weight Loss And Fitness Challenge

Hello everyone, hope all of you are doing good and are keeping healthy and happy. This is the article for our biggest pre festival weight loss challenge. This challenge is a team up or partner challenge. The idea of doing this challenge in a team is to keep each other motivated. You can have 2

Brown and White Rice : Myths and Facts

Rice specially white rice is one most of the most consumed grain in the world. Many countries inspite of being a predominently rice eating country still have low obesity rates. So what is deal with white rice ? In this article we’ve tried to answer the questions about white and brown rice. https://youtu.be/qz9K-sfEZXU General Facts

Cleanse your system to lose weight

Hello everyone, hope all of you are doing good and are keeping healthy and happy. Detox is a very popular buzz word. Fortunately, the human body is well equipped and designed to eliminate toxins and does not requireany special diet or expensive supplements. That said, there are certain very basic things which you do to

Easy hacks to lose belly fat

All of us want to be fit and not have that excess fat around the abdomen. Sometimes our busy schedules does not allow us to spend adequate time for work outs. Although exercising is of paramount importance for good health, there are some simple ways or hacks to lose weight or to maintain your ideal

How To Lose Belly Fat

Hello everyone, hope all of you are doing well and keeping healthy and happy. This article is all about understanding the science behind losing body fat. Losing fat from the belly can be difficult but there are several things which you can do to reduce the belly fat at a faster rate. Here are some

All About Oats And Weight Loss

Oats are among the healthiest grains on earth. They’re a gluten free whole grain and a great source of important vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants. Oat groats, the most intact and whole form of oats, takes a long time to cook. As a result, most people prefer rolled, crushed or steel cut oats. Oats are

Green Tea and Weight Loss

Green tea has been consumed and hailed for it’s health benfits for centuries. Green tea is made from unoxidised leaves and is one of the least  processed types of tea. Accordingly, it contains the most antioxidants and beneficial polyphenols. This article sheds a light on all the health benefits and side effects of green tea.