5 Steps to Intermittent Fasting

Time restricted method of eating or intermittent fasting is undoubtedly one of themost powerful ways to get healthy and lose weight. You need to understand thoughthat intermittent fasting is not a diet plan but a way or pattern of eating. This meansyou need to know how to eat, how much to eat and when to

How To Become A Morning Person

Starting the day early with calmness, mindfulness and gratitude sets the tone for therest of the day for me. Morning are extremely peaceful and be very superproductive. For that to happen, you need to be a morning person. Waking up earlyhas a lot of benefits. Not only does it allow more time for productivity and

My Top 5 Healthy Cooking Utensils

5 Healthy Cooking Utensils

There are so many types of cookware that are available in the market that searching for the right one can prove to be a tedious job. I’ve shared my top five healthy cooking utensils which i use for healthy and smooth cooking. https://youtu.be/T7oa9FYnK3E 1. Stainless Steel Cookware What to look for in a good stainless

All About Calcium : How Much in a Day ?

All About Calcium : How Much in a Day ?

Calcium plays a very important role in many basic functions of the body. Your body needs calcium to circulate blood, move muscles and release hormones. Calcium also helps carry messages from your brain to other parts of the body. Calcium is a major part of tooth and bone health as well. It makes your bones

Boost Metabolism By Balancing these hormones

Balancing Hormones Hormones are the body's chemical messengers. They travel in the blood stream to different tissues and organsThey work tirelessly and overtime and affect almost every body function including metabolism, sexual function, reproduction and moodHormonal imbalance will take a lot of time to reflect on our healthLong and persistent unhealthy eating, unhealthy lifestyle and

Is Milk Good Or Bad for Health ?

Milk has been around for thousands of years. By definition, milk is a nutrient rich fluid that female mammals produce to feed their young. The most commonly used milk comes from cows, buffalos, sheep and goats. Milk consumption is always a hotly debated topic in the nutritional world, so you might wonder whether it's healthy

10 Ways to Speed up Weight Loss Process

Most of us start our weight loss journey with a lot of passion and vigour. But after the initial hurrah there comes a stage where it seems that our weight loss has hit a plateau. There can be a number of reasons for this. We’ve compiled a list of simple tips which you can incorporate

Why Do you Always Feel Tired : Reasons & Solutions

Do you persistently feel tired ? Do you feel lethargic the entire day ? Well if you do, there are simple things which you might be ignoring or doing incorrectly. Changing your lifestyle and improving your diet by including all the necessary macro and micro nutrients in your diet will go a long way in

10 Best Bed Time Drinks for Weight Loss & Sound Sleep

Sound sleep after a long day is a basic necessity for the body to recover. What you consume or drink before bedtime would assist to get a good night's sleep and lose weight when your body is in the repair mode. There are a number of things which can be done to ensure you get

10 Food to Eat Empty Stomach for Weight Loss

When you wake up in the morning your internal organs need some time to kick start after long hours of rest. Health experts advice that it is best to start your day with some warm water or a light snack to get your day moving. We’ve compiled a list of healthy food that you can