20 Best Food Combination As per Ayurveda & Science

20 Best Food Combination As per Ayurveda & Science

Eating healthy food obviously has numerous benefits. It keeps you healthy, nourished, improves your memory and other body functions. Eating healthy also ensures that you reduce the risk of diseases. Good nutrition is an inherent part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined with good physical activity, your diet can help you achieve and maintain a

Is Milk Tea (Chai) Good or Bad for Weigh Loss ?

Is Milk Tea (Chai) Good or Bad for Weight Loss ?

We often hear / read that drinking tea (specially green or matcha tea) can help us lose that extra weight. But is that also true for our very milk tea which almost all of us are so fond of.Most of us Indians love our masala milk tea. However, when it comes to healthy tea options,

10 Food to Eat Everyday in Winters

10 Food to Eat Everyday in Winters

We are what we eat. Maintaining a wholesome diet is vital for your health. Eating right is important for staying at a healthy weight and keeping the right energy balance. Maintaining the balance between calories, that is calories you consume and calories you burn is extremely important. The importance of good nutrition can not be

Why are you not Losing Belly Fat ?

Cortisol Hormone / Stress : Why you’re Not Losing Weight ?

Why are you not Losing Belly Fat ? Excess belly fat is extremely unhealthy. It increases the risk of diseases manifold. These diseases include metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, heart diseases and even cancer. The medical term for unhealthy fat around the belly is ‘visceral fat’ which refers to the fat surrounding the liver and

Healthy Morning Routine

Mornings set the tone for the entire day. Our morning routine decides how energetic we are for the rest of the day. In this article we are sharing our morning routine. Things that me and my mother do to keep our mornings as productive as possible. https://youtu.be/z2_HNurMums Prepare for morning the night before Your preparation

Weight Loss Challenge

4 Steps to Permanent Weight Loss

A large number of us are conscious about losing those extra pounds from our body. Most of us do start taking steps to lose weight but even with the ones who succeed in losing weight, many face another challenge – maintaining long term weight loss. Permanent weight loss is a even greater challenge than the

Permanent Cure for Bloating

Permanent Cure for Bloating

Permanent Cure for Bloating and other Stomach Issues Think of any good food in front of you. If you feel like having that food, you'll notice that you start salivating. The hungrier you are, the more you will salivate. That's because the process of digestion actually starts in the brain. This is also called the

11 Food To Include in your Daily Diet

11 Food to Eat In your Daily Diet

A balanced diet is one that gives your body the nutrients it needs to function correctly. To get the proper nutrition from your diet, you must include all essential food in it. Your organs and tissues need proper nutrition to work effectively. Without good nutrition, your body is prone to diseases, infections, fatigue and poor

How to Increase Height ?

Many of us are unhappy with our height. But can we do anything about it. This article discuses various factors which affect your height along with the science of height growth https://youtu.be/Y8rMhs-ZmC0 Height Growth Science Natural height growth stops between 18 to 25 years of ageThe reason is your bones, specifically your growth platesPost this

Right Gap Between Meal and Exercise

Right Gap Between Meal and Exercise

Eating a big portion of food just before a workout can result in cramping, bloating and other digestive problems. It can also make you feel very sluggish during yor workout. There are a lot of factors which decide how much and what should you eat prior to working out. Eating a light snack like fruit,