Mindful eating?

Mindful eating: What it is and how to incorporate it into your daily routine? Do you often find yourself eating without really thinking about what you're putting in your mouth? Mindless eating can lead to overeating, poor digestion, and even weight gain. Mindful eating is a simple practice that can help you become more aware

Benefits of Consuming Fermented Foods.

Fermented foods have been consumed by humans for thousands of years, and are known to have many health benefits. In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in fermented foods, particularly for their impact on gut health and immunity. This article will explore the benefits of consuming fermented foods for gut health and immunity.Fermented

21 Days Weight Loss Challenge; Lose Upto 7 Kgs in February.

Losing weight is not just a matter of a thing, it is a complete wholesome process that requires multiple efforts altogether in order to achieve the goal. I not only try to provide you with healthy diet plans to reduce weight, but primarily I also focus on practicing a healthier lifestyle as a long-term goal.

Easiest Indian Hacks to Lose Belly Fat!

Losing belly fat is quoted as a big task, but let me tell you, it is not! It can be simply fun and easy if you are wise and smart enough to know what is actually required and what is not!Without confusing you much, let's get straight to the point. Bascially, belly fat loss or

Is Walking Better Than Gymming or Running for Weight Loss?

Is walking or running better for women?Just because running is physically more demanding, there is a common misconception among people, that it is somewhere better than walking, especially for women.But I would disagree to it.Walking is not only better; in fact, it is 10 times better when compared to running or gymming for women! https://youtu.be/qbcNTIAopL4

Eat this Magical Indian Fruit Daily For Hormonal Balance, Weight Loss & Flawless Skin.

This super healthy fruit which we are going to be elaborating is super-healthy and beneficial for us, It is rich in Iron, Antioxidants & Vitamin C.This fruit is commonly called the Indian blackberry, Java plum, or black plum.Kala jamun is a juicy, sweet, slightly tangy fruit which has a distinct taste and is loaded with

Only Indian Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan That Works in Weight Loss.

Although, we have discussed many a times about the importance and value of "Intermittent Fasting", but before I share with you the most efficient "Intermittent Fasting Plan", let's get to some basics first.So, intermittent fasting is nothing but an eating strategy that alternates between fasting and regular mealtimes. According to research, intermittent fasting can help

Best Indian Daily Routine for Quick Weight Loss as per Ayurveda.

Daily routine or Din Charya means our daily behavior and response in a day. As per ayurveda the best routine is the routine that is in sync with the circadian Rhythm.Circadian rhythms are 24-hour cycles in physical, mental, and behavioral changes.Within our brain or hypothalamus, we have our biological clock that must match with the

Only Way to Detox To lose Weight & Get Flat belly !

In the "Food Fad Trend Market", nothing is spared. Detoxification is another very easy, important and vital process to help body function easily, smoothly and properly. But people have again made it look like some another tough job in order to maximize benefits.Today we are going to talk about the Best Method to Detox for

Diet and Workout as per Body Type!

We all are made differently. Our genes, environment, lifestyle determines how our body shapes. And what works for you might not work for me and vice-versa.I am going to discuss both scientific and Ayurvedic approaches on body type diet & exercise. And here are the suggestions for diet and exercise as per your own body