The relevance of collagen in the human body?

Collagen is the body's most prevalent protein. Connective tissue is made from its fiber-like structure. This type of tissue joins other tissues, as the name implies, and is a major component of bone, skin, muscles, tendons, and cartilage. It aids in the development of strong and resilient tissues that can endure stretching.People have shifted to

Lose Thigh & Hip Fat In Women Permanently (No Dieting, No Gymming).

Males when compared to women, have higher tendency of belly fat storage, whereas women have higher tendency of gaining more fat in their lower body.SO, generally women get too worried about losing their lower body fat and find it impossible. But nothing is impossible, and to cure a problem it is very necessary to check

“हेल्थी फूड्स” जो है आपके लिए हानिकारक”; Never Eat These “Healthy” Foods To Lose Weight & Balance Hormones.

Not everything available in the market named "Healthy" is truly healthy! Awareness and general knowledge about what we buy and eat is equally important as eating healthy balanced meal, or exercising in order to either lose weight or balance hormones.Market strategists and advertisers owns techniques in order to befool customers, therefore, it is very important

8 चीजे जिससे हमेशा कंट्रोल में रहेगा वजन; Things All Slim People Do!(Not about Dieting or Fasting)

There will always be a group/set of people who never resemble their age, they always tend to look younger than their age. And we often get confused that how are they so different from us? What do they do to look young?So, few things were concluded when a research was conducted on these set of

6 Must Follow Steps For 100% Belly Fat Loss; पेट की चर्बी होगी गायब

You can never climb a floor without climbing each and every step of the ladder! Similar is the application, when we talk about weight loss or anything in this world. There are no shortcuts when we talk about Weight loss! Only Hard work and consistency is the key to it. Here are the 6 stages

Burn 300 Calories Daily This Summer; Without Dieting or Exercise

Whenever we think about "Losing weight", first step that comes to our mind is burning more and more calories!Burning more calories than you consume is the most important step in the ladder of weight loss.So here are some very simple and mindful techniques to burn or cut down at most 300 calories everyday in summers.Smart

90% of People Don’t Know About These ways to Lose Belly Fat (No Dieting, No Gymming)

Diet plus exercise equals weight loss right, "No" it's not entirely correct. Weight loss does have many other factors to consider too. Undoubtedly diet and exercise are the prominent factors for losing weight but weight loss is not entirely dependent on them.Any form of stress, no matter how mild, affects neurotransmitters that control: MoodThinkingAppetiteBehaviorIt and

Why French People don’t Get Fat ? Secret to Staying Slim.

France Is quite famous for its food especially pastries, bread and a nice wine.French cuisine has been declared a “world intangible heritage” by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) too.But we often wonder why after consuming such processed foods or fast foods, they stay slim and maintained.That is a wonderful question, but

January Weight Loss Challenge

The first weight loss challenge of the new year. Start your be fit, be healthy and stay strong goals for 2022 with this January weight loss challenge. This challenge includes simple steps that you can adapt at the beginning to start your weight loss goals on a promising note. Record your measurements Record your

Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Some basics Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugarType 2 diabetes is a disease in which the blood glucose or blood sugar levels are too high and