How long does it take to lose Weight

How Long Does it Take to Lose Weight

We would all like to lose the unwanted weight in a jiffy, but unrealistic weight loss goals are also unhealthy. Keeping a realistic time frame considering various factors which affect weight loss is very important. The time it takes for you to see and for others to notice weight loss results will vary from person

11 Food To Include in your Daily Diet

11 Food to Eat In your Daily Diet

A balanced diet is one that gives your body the nutrients it needs to function correctly. To get the proper nutrition from your diet, you must include all essential food in it. Your organs and tissues need proper nutrition to work effectively. Without good nutrition, your body is prone to diseases, infections, fatigue and poor

Types of Belly Fat and How to Reduce it

Types of Belly Fat and How to Reduce it

There are many reasons why we gain belly fat, including poor diet, lack of exercise and stress. Improving nutrition, increased activity, reducing stress and making simple lifestyle changes can help people lose the stubborn and unwanted belly fat. Dealing with this soft layer of squishy fat around the waist can be really annoying. It is

Fat Burning Hormones

Fat Burning Hormones

What are Hormones ? Hormones are chemical messengers that get secreted directly into the blood, which then carries them to different organs and tissues of the body to exert their functions. Naturally there are many types hormones that act on different aspects of body functioning. Hormones affect growth, development, mood, sexual function, reproduction and metabolism.

Hair Fall : Causes and Best Treatment

Hair Fall : Causes and Best Treatment

Most people have about 1,00,000 hair on their heads and lose around 100 to 120 hair per day. It’s normal to shed between 50 to 100 hair daily. When you shed significantly more hair than that, it's a cause for concern. Excessive hair loss can be a troublesome problem, often causing worry and affecting self

How to Increase Height ?

Many of us are unhappy with our height. But can we do anything about it. This article discuses various factors which affect your height along with the science of height growth Height Growth Science Natural height growth stops between 18 to 25 years of ageThe reason is your bones, specifically your growth platesPost this

Right Gap Between Meal and Exercise

Right Gap Between Meal and Exercise

Eating a big portion of food just before a workout can result in cramping, bloating and other digestive problems. It can also make you feel very sluggish during yor workout. There are a lot of factors which decide how much and what should you eat prior to working out. Eating a light snack like fruit,

2 Week Diet Plan for Weight Loss

2 Week Diet Plan for Weight Loss

2 Weeks Indian Vegetarian Meal / Diet Plan For Weight Loss With the sedimentary lifestyle that most of us lead it is very important to take care of our health. Along with a proper workout routine it is imperative to concentrate on eating right and healthy. Many of us opt for fad diets like keto,

How to Boost Metabolism for a Healthy Body

How to Boost your Metabolism

How to Boost Metabolism for a Healthy Body Metabolism is the biochemical process of combining nutrients with oxygen to release the energy your body needs to function. Resting Metabolic Rate or RMR is the number of calories your body turns to maintain vital body functions such as heart rate, brain function and breathing. RMR accounts

How Many Rotis in a Day for Weight loss

How Many Rotis in a Day for Weight loss

Roti / Chapati is a round flatbread native to most of the Indian Sub Continent. It is made from stoneground wholemeal flour known as atta. Atta and water are combined to make a doughout of which rotis are made. A number of varients of rotis exist. Rotis in the Indian household is generally served with