The Most Important To Lose Fat

This article is about the most important thing you need to lose weight. Over a period of time, we’ve made a lot of development of the techno front but the mindset is yet to evolve accordingly. There are five things which are highlighted in this article which determine your success in any field including weight

How To Prevent Weight Gain

Your metabolism converts food / calories into usable energy. It is also responsible for tapping into the stored body fat during the time of calorie scarcity. Metabolic flexibility is the ability to respond / adapt to conditional changes in the metabolic demand. This flexibility is highly important when you’re trying to burn stored fat and

The Best Way To Eat Oats For Weight Loss

Oats are one of the healthiest grains to consume. They’re gluten free and are a great source of important vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants. However, eating oats with the wrong food combination can make them an unhealthy choice which in turn can make oats unhealthy to eat. We’ll see in this article, what mistakes are

Weight Loss Challenge

August Weight Loss Challenge

Rather than jumping to sudden weight loss plans / schemes and diets, it is important to understand what causesd weight gain. Accordingly, one needs to plan for long term weight loss process. The first step we take to improve our lifestyle for weight loss is to come up with a schedule or routine. Healthy

What To Eat In The Morning For Weight Loss

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Let us see what should you eat in breakfast for healthy weight loss. We’ll discuss if you can afford to miss breakfast. How you start your day and what you eat first thing in the morning determines your energy levels for the rest of

Super Food For Weight Loss

There are some food which are easily available and are extremely beneficial as well. All these superfood offer some very important nutrients that can power pack your meals and snacks. To maximise your nutrient intake, it makes sense to spend your calorie budget wisely. Best way to do that is to simply eat the food

Vegetables For Weight Loss

Vegetables are nature’s multi vitamins. How many calories are there in different types of veggies ? What are the benefits and possible side effects of consuming too many veggies ? All these and other questions regarding use of vegetables have been answered in this article. Vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals and anti oxidants. They

Weight Loss Challenge

Essentials For Weight Loss

Whether you’re looking for weight loss or to increase your fitness or stamina, the journey is bound to be challenging. There are tools / things which are available for cheap and which assist you in the weight loss journey. These things are simple yet can help you in your weight loss transition. Get these useful

July Weight Loss Challenge

Planning how to lose weight and stay fit in the rainy season. We have the july weight loss challenge with most effective tips for monsoon weight loss plan. Included in the weight loss plan are some important do’s and don’t’s for rainy season to lose weight and maintain good health. During rainy season, our bodies

Lose Belly Fat The Right Way

Exercise and the right diet helps you get rid of the extra belly fat. However, there’s more to belly fat then this. Understanding the science behind losing belly fat is important. In this article, we’ll guide you on how to lose the extra fat around your belly the right way. Research suggests that fat cells