Weight Loss Habits to Start Now

Hey everyone, hope all of you are keeping safe and healthy. This article is about simple habits that you can unculcate in your routine to help you lose weight and also lead a healthy lifestyle. These habits / tips are seemingly very simple but it’s always the simple things that are the most important https://youtu.be/RotLhA1vDGw

Intermittent Fasting For Women

Hello everyone, hope all of you are keeping safe and are healthy and happy. Intermittent fasting has become a highly popular strategy in recent years to lose weight and to stay fit. However, there is some evidence that intermittent fasting may not provide the same results to some women as compared to men. This article

How to Achieve Permanent Weight loss?

All of us want to be in the perfect weight category. All of us lok forward to lose those extra kilos. But shedding those extra kilos and that extra weight requires a process which includes tackling all the kinds of weight we carry. This article is all about the different weights we carry and the

July Weight Loss Diet Plan

Hello everyone, hope you’re all keeping safe, healthy and happy. This is the 2 weeks diet plan for weight loss during monsoons. This diet plan is based upon intermittent fasting format as well as having 5-6 small meals everyday. These multiple small meals will enable you to stay energetic and will help boost your metabolism.

Why You Are Not Losing Belly Fat?

Hello everyone, hope all of you are keeping happy and healthy. Stubborn fat around the stomach is probably the most common bodily bugbear for both men and women. We store body fat under the skin and also around the vital organs in our abdomen. If diet and exercise haven’t done much to reduce this fat

Moon Milk For Weight Loss

Hello everyone, hope all of you are keeping safe, happy and healthy. This article is all about my all time favourite bed time drink. This drink is called Moon Milk. Made with spices that are popular in Indian cooking, moon milk has been recommended by ayurvedic medicine practitioners for hundreds of years. This anti inflammatory

How to Use Desi Chai in Weight Loss?

Hello everyone, hope all of you are doing wonderfully well. This article is dedicated to the Indian desi chai. Is drinking tea with milk healthy is the question which has been adequately addressed in this article. Some other useful tricks and tips which you can use to get the maximum benefit from your tea. https://youtu.be/AMpqX_0QlB8

How to Eat Roti in Weight Loss?

Hello everyone, hope all of you are keeping safe, healthy and happy. The Indian flat bread or chapati, also known as roti is a staple in almost every household. However, when we go on a weight loss diet, we try to cut down or even completely eliminate this important source of carbs from our diet.

17kgs Weight Loss Transformation at Home

Hope all of you are keeping safe, healthy and happy. Being overweight does not just bring criticism but also lowers your energy, immunity, health and confidence.             IT Engineer Apurva Harane felt the same because of her weight. The decision to change her lifestyle was well planned. Taking tiny steps at a time, she managed to

How Fast You Can Lose Belly Fat?

Hello Everyone, hope you’re all keeping safe, healthy and happy. Losing belly fat and those extra inches around the waist seems like an herculean task. The mid section or the stomach area is the hardest to lose weight from. This article is meant to inform and update you about the various factors which decide how