It is extremely important to plan your work out through the week. A well planned out workout through the week will help you achieve the desired level of fitness without feeling tired. Your stamina, your workout timings and strength might not be great to start with but with dedicated effort your body can achieve wonders.
Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat
There are many reasons why we gain belly fat, including poor diet, lack of exercise and stress. Improving nutrition, increased activity, reducing stress and making simple lifestyle changes can help people lose the stubborn and unwanted belly fat. Dealing with this soft layer of squishy fat around the waist can be really annoying. It is
How to Run for Weight Loss
If you’re trying to lose weight, you may wonder if running is the solution. Different body types react differently to running, one loses calories and excess fat with a smart running program. For any person to lose weight, there is a need to create substantial calorie deficit which you can achieve either by eating fewer
5 Best Home Exercises For Knee Strengthening
Knees are the largest joints in our body. We use our knees heavily everyday for walking, running, climbing or jumping. As a direct result of the workload our knees are prone to injuries which can be extremely painful. People of all ages can develop problems in the knees. In addition to being a common problem
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Right Gap Between Meal and Exercise
Eating a big portion of food just before a workout can result in cramping, bloating and other digestive problems. It can also make you feel very sluggish during yor workout. There are a lot of factors which decide how much and what should you eat prior to working out. Eating a light snack like fruit,
Common Abs Exercise Mistakes, Why you’re Not Losing Belly Fat !
Common mistakes we make while exercising our abs Your core muscles play a huge role in the everyday activities, from getting out of bed to walking down the street, these muscles literally help you stay upright. The core muscles are the base of support for the entire body. They completely surround and support the spine,
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Skipping / Jump Rope Technique & Benefits to Lose Weight
If you’re looking to add a bit of fun and creativity to your workouts, consider adding Skipping to your routine. Skipping / Jump Rope is an extremely effective form of cardiorespiratory exercise and it doesn’t need more than a little space and some creativity. Anyone who has swung a rope more than 20 seconds would
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Walking for Weight Loss : Benefits, Technique
Walking is the oldest exercise known to humans. Walking is more than a way to get around. Walking is a way to improve fitness, burn calories and reduce the health risk of inactivity. Walking in the park, Walking in the neighbourhood at an easy pace keeps you active and helps you reap benefits. You get
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