10 Must Have Food for Flat Belly

Number of studies carried out have shoed that holding extra fat around the mid section increases health risks. Unsurprisingly, losing abdominal or belly fat is one of the prime weight loss goal of many people. Some specific food and nutrients are known to help target belly fat. Here are 10 healthy food which you should

One day Weekly Detox Diet

There are days when we feel heavy and low on energy, To avoid this, it is important to cleanse our system and treat it with some much needed alkaline food. In this one day weekly detox diet I’ve shared what can you eat and bring back your energy, focus and give your digestive system some

Diet & Nutrition While Staying at Home

While we stay at home it is imperative that we concentrate on our health. Concentrating on what you eat, when and how much you eat will go a long way in making sure that you stay healthy and fit. This article also contains certain essential kitchen items which you must have. Kindly avoid hoarding essential

Weekly Liquid Detox Diet

Out digestive system works overtime to keep our gut healthy. It is important though to hit the reset button from time to time. While there is no such thing as a miracle diet, this weekly one day detox and cleansing diet can be useful to hit the reset button. Apart from losing weight this detox

Biggest Weight Loss Challenge June 2020

Hey guys, here’s the biggest weight loss challenge of 2020 which will motivate you to work harder to achieve all your fitness goals. This challenge will help you address all the weight loss issues which you might be having. https://youtu.be/isecanRY-WA Strategies for losing weight in this challenge Diet strategy -        Intermittent fasting           -        We

8 Healthy Snacks for Weight loss

Healthy and nutritional snacks are an integral part of any fitness plan. These can help you stay satiated and also limit your intake of unhealthy and processed snacks. Given below are eight such healthy snacks which you must keep in your kitchen. Recommended serving along with calories of these snacks are also given. Snack healthy

5 Steps to Intermittent Fasting

Time restricted method of eating or intermittent fasting is undoubtedly one of themost powerful ways to get healthy and lose weight. You need to understand thoughthat intermittent fasting is not a diet plan but a way or pattern of eating. This meansyou need to know how to eat, how much to eat and when to

Garcinia Cambogia For Weight Loss ( Myths & Facts)

We've been receiving a number of questions regarding the supplement, Garcinia Cambogia. This supplement is being marketed as a miracle weight loss medicine. I'm sure a number of you are curious to find out more about Garcinia Cambogia, it's benefits and side effects and does it really help with weight loss. https://youtu.be/9nYIekBoM-I What is Garcinia

March Weight Loss Diet Plan ( Boost Immunity)

With the changing weather, it is even more important to keep a watch on what we eat. Many of us wonder what to eat to stay healthy and also lose those extra few kilos. While there's no short cut or magical remedy to lose weight, eating a healthy and balanced diet comprising of immunity boosting

One Week Cleansing Diet for Weight Loss

Better food digestion and nutritional absorption along with your liver and kidney's efficient processing of toxins are absolutely critical for good health. This one week cleansing diet program can be a powerful tool to rejuvenate your body and skin from inside out. The key to a comfortable cleanse is to ease yourself into the program.