One Week cleansing Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Better food digestion and nutritional absorption along with your liver and kidney's efficient processing of toxins are absolutely critical for good health. This one week cleansing diet program can be a powerful tool to rejuvenate your body and skin from inside out. The key to a comfortable cleanse is to ease yourself into the program.

2 Weeks February, Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss ( High Protein, Low Carbs )

Have you taken up our february challenge to lose weight. If yes, we’ve brought for you the two weeks vegetarian diet / meal plan to help achieve your february weight loss goals. This diet plan is balanced and it will provide you with a diet full of nutrition. This time the diet plan slightly low

What I Eat in A Day: January Meal Plan

What I Eat in A Day: January Meal Plan

Benefits of eating healthy can never be over emphasised. You are what you eat is something I believe in very strongly. Apart from weight loss and improved overall health eating healthy also allows you to have strong bones, improved memory and a reduced risk of any diseases or ailments. A healthy diet rich in fruits,

Health Benefits of Fennel Seeds (Saunf) and Weight Loss

Fennel ( Saunf): Benefits, Uses & Dosage

Fennel is a very widely used culinary herb and medicinal plant. Both the bulb and the seeds of a fennel plant have a mild licorice like flavour. Aside from its culinary uses, fennel and its seeds offer a wide array of health benefits. It is an anti oxidant, is anti inflammatory and has anti bacterial

Cumin Seeds For Weight Loss

Cumin seeds ( Jeera ) : Health Benefits, Uses and Dosage

Cumin Seeds For Weight Loss Cumin (Jeera in hindi) is a spice made from seeds of the cuminum cyminum plant. Cumin lends its distinctive flavour to chilli, tomatoes and various other Indian curries. Its flavour is earthy, nutty, spicy and warm. A number of studies have confirmed the health benefits of cumin. For a very

Amazing Benefits of Fenugreek (Methi)

Fenugreek ( Methi) : Benefits, Uses and Dosage

Amazing Benefits of Fenugreek (Methi) Fenugreek is an amazing herb which is a common ingredient in a number of Indian dishes. It is often used in alternative medicine and is also taken as a supplement. Fenugreek basically is a plant that is about 2-3 feet tall. It has green leaves, small white flowers and pods

Types of Cinnamon

Do’s and Don’t of Using Cinnamon for Weight Loss

Cinnamon is a spice derived from an evergreen tropical tree species. It is used mainly as a condiment in a variety of dishes. With its therapeutic and antioxidants Cinnamon can help you lose weight along with other health benefits. Cinnamon as a spice exists for over 5000 years. In addition to being a kitchen staple,

Probiotic or Fermented Food Recipes with Benefits

Probiotic or Fermented Food Recipes with Benefits

Probiotics / Fermented Food for Weight Loss and Reducing Belly Fat Probiotics are substances that encourage the growth of bacteria, specially beneficial bacteria, that helps keep the intestinal health in balance. These probiotics are found in both supplementsand fermented food. Probiotics improve digestive health, nutrient absorption, heart health and immune functioning apart from a number

Apple Cider Vinegar: Benefits, Uses & Dosage

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is a vinegar made from fermented apple juice. It’s made by crushing apples and squeezing out their juice. Bacteria and yeast are added to the liquid to start the fermentation process. The liquid gets converted to vinegar by the acetic acid forming bacteria. Apple cider vinegar is the most popular type of

10 Dieting Mistakes : Why you’re Not Losing Weight

10 Dieting Mistakes : Why you’re Not Losing Weight

Losing weight can be a difficult proposition. At times, you feel that you're doing everything right but still not getting the results. It is very common to make mistakes while you're trying to lose weight as you may be following misguided advice. There is no short cut to losing weight. People may claim or recommend