How many Carbs in a day to Lose Weight

How Many Carbs in a Day for Weight Loss

What are Carbs ? Our body obtains energy or calories from three main sources. These are three macro nutrients : Carbs, Proteins and Fats. All these macro nutrients are essential for proper body functioning and the body requires large amounts of them. All the three macro nutrients should be included in our diet as the

5 Worst to Best of Oats Reasons for you not Losing Weight

5 Worst to Best Of Oats : Why you’re Not Losing Weight

5 Worst to Best of Oats Reasons for you not Losing Weight Oats are among the healthiest grains on earth. They’re a gluten free whole grain and a great source of important vitamins, minerals, fibre abd antioxidants. Oat groats, the most intact and whole form of oats, takes a long time to cook. As a

Mangoes: Nutrition, Benefits for Weight Loss

Mangoes: Nutrition, Benefits for Weight Loss

Mangoes are a juicy stone fruit produced from numerous species of tropical trees. It is the national fruit of India. A normal mango tree grows up to 35 – 40 m tall with crown radius of up to 10 m. These trees are long lived, some specimens bear fruit even after a hundred years. Ripe

Chia Seeds vs Basil Seeds for Weight Loss

Chia vs Basil Seeds : Difference, Nutrition, Benefits for Weight Loss

Chia Seeds vs Basil Seeds for Weight Loss Chia seeds and Basil seeds have both been in the spotlight recently, largely due to the claim that both of them act as effective agents against weight gain when used as part of a balanced diet. However, there exists a lot of confusion amongst people about the

2 Week Diet Plan for Weight Loss

2 Week Diet Plan for Weight Loss

2 Weeks Indian Vegetarian Meal / Diet Plan For Weight Loss With the sedimentary lifestyle that most of us lead it is very important to take care of our health. Along with a proper workout routine it is imperative to concentrate on eating right and healthy. Many of us opt for fad diets like keto,

How Many Rotis in a Day for Weight loss

How Many Rotis in a Day for Weight loss

Roti / Chapati is a round flatbread native to most of the Indian Sub Continent. It is made from stoneground wholemeal flour known as atta. Atta and water are combined to make a doughout of which rotis are made. A number of varients of rotis exist. Rotis in the Indian household is generally served with

How Many Calories in a Day for Weight Loss

How Many Calories in a Day for Weight Loss

How Many Calories You Need in a Day An average woman needs about 2000 calories per day to maintain weight and 1500 calories per day to lose weight in a healthy manner. An average man needs 2500 calories to maintain and 2000 calories to lose weight in a healthy manner. Sounds simple, however, your calorie

Jaggery : Nutrition, Health Benefits & How much in a Day

Jaggery : Nutrition, Health Benefits & How much in a Day

All About Jaggery (Gur) Packed with a number of essential nutrients, jaggery is indeed a superfood. Jaggery boosts your metabolism and is a great source of energy. In ayurveda, jaggery has been used since ancient times to help treat a wide range of health problems including anxiety, migraines, indigestion and fatigue. How is jaggery

Ketogenic Diet : A Complete Beginners Guide To Keto To Lose Weight

Ketogenic Diet : A Complete Beginners Guide To Keto To Lose Weight

What is Ketogenic diet ? The ketogenic or keto diet is a low carb high fat diet which involves lesser intake of carbsand increased intake of fat. This leads to your body going into a metabolic state called ketosis. When this happens your body becomes increasingly efficient at burning fat for energy. Infact, it turns

All About Eggs : Nutrition, Benefits, How to Choose and More

All About Eggs : Nutrition, Benefits, How to Choose and More

Eggs are one of the few foods that is classified as 'superfood'. Eggs are loaded with nutrients, some of which are rare in modern diet. Eggs are incredibly nutritious and contains various trace nutrients that are important for health. In fact, eggs can be classified as the perfect food. They contain a little bit of