How to Lose Weight With Rice ?

Because the food sector is more profit-driven, several food fads have been popular for the majority of the time. People are misled and deceived by so-called and inexperienced dietitians and nutritionists who make claims that are not supported by scientific evidence. The notion that "avoid eating rice/or fully quit eating rice to avoid weight gain

The relevance of collagen in the human body?

Collagen is the body's most prevalent protein. Connective tissue is made from its fiber-like structure. This type of tissue joins other tissues, as the name implies, and is a major component of bone, skin, muscles, tendons, and cartilage. It aids in the development of strong and resilient tissues that can endure stretching.People have shifted to

Best Way To Calculate Calories On Your Own in Minutes!

Today's eating and consuming is all about calories. Every other person has become so health conscious that they are very mindful about what they are eating and calculate its nutritional calculations throughout the day, which is kind of great to some extent if done rationally and practically.Never stress over calories and consume food, as it

My Most successful Weight Loss Plan. How I Help My Clients Lose Fat Permanently ?

Weight loss is a patient and consistent process which has other factors and things linked to it except for diet and exercise. People usually are misconceived by the ongoing socially popular fads and trends that misguide them, and eventually hinder their process of weight loss.Today I am going to share with you all the "Weight

How to Increase Vitamin B12 Levels ? Best Veg Food Sources. विटामिन बी 12 की कमी करें दूर !
Know your Nutrients – Episode : 1

Vitamin B 12 also known as cobalamin, is an important water-soluble vitamin.It is one of the other B vitamins. It is a significant micronutrient which contributes towards the body's functioning.Vitamin B12 functions in Human Body: It’s an essential vitamin for the cells.It’s important for keeping your nerves, blood cells, and DNA healthy.It is required to

जैसा ब्लड ग्रुप, वैसा डायट प्लान! Blood Group Diet To Lose Weight & Belly Fat !

The Blood Type Diet was created by Dr. James D’Adamo, a naturopathic doctor, in the 1980s.The Diet Was popularized by his son and fellow naturopathic doctor, Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo in his Book “ Eat Right 4 Your Type” which was published in 1996.The book was a huge success, it was a New York Times

What I Eat In a Day ? My Summer Diet as Dietician (1500 – 1600 Calories Diet)

As I dietitian, I am frequently asked about "What I Eat In A Day"?So as per summer season, what all changes, add-ons, and summery foods and drinks I have added into my diet, you can have a look at it.Always remember a diet shall always be sustainable, the diet which you can not continue for

World’s Healthiest Summer Fruit For Weight Loss & Immunity .

Bael or wood apple fruit, or called bilwa in Hindi is World’s Healthiest & Cooling Summer Fruit for Weight loss, Digestion & Immunity. It is a sweet, aromatic fruit that grows on the Bael Tree. Bael is also known as the tree of Lord Shiva and is of sacred value in India. Bael leaves are

गर्मियों में वजन कम करने के लिए डाइट प्लान; May Vegetarian Diet Plan For Weight Loss in Summers.

Here is another month’s weight loss diet plan for you. Remember, diet plays a huge role in the journey of weight loss, but only diet is not enough for you to succeed. Diet accompanied by exercise, NEAT, managing stress altogether helps in weight loss. Highlights of May Weight Loss Challenge. Liquid Detox OR Liquid

Soy Chunks Healthy or Not For Extreme Weight Loss ?

Soy chunks are one of the underrated vegetarian protein sources available in the market. It is gaining hype in today's world, especially for the youth building muscle mass and staying on natural diets. It is counted as one of the greatest source of protein that you can add to your diet.But,Are Soy Chunks / Nuggets