7 Healthy Summer Smoothie

In an effort to help you make healthier breakfast choices, especially when you have limited time I’ve brought some highly nutritious smoothies which are delicious and will definitely help you in weight loss. These smoothies have a perfect blend of protein and fibre. These can also be consumed as a meal or snack. https://youtu.be/_xBDgGi21Js Healthy

My Favorite Fat Loss Drink

Hello everyone, hope all of you are doing good and keeping safe. Weight loss is probably the most important goal for most of us. Weight Loss and fitness goals are also the most difficult to achieve. This is simply because there are a number of factors that play a crucial role in successful weight loss.

5 Healthy Milk Recipes

5 Healthy Milk Recipes

As grownups, we're well aware of the fact that milk is good for us. But beyond this vague notion very few of us know why and how is milk important to our health. Let us see what milk is all about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kopE8Siab1g Milk's makeup Milk is filled with these essential ingredients that benefit our healthCalciumProteinPotassiumPhosphorusVitamin

5 Winter Detox Tea : When & How to Drink

Detox or cleansing teas are herbal teas which contain plant based phytonutrients and antioxidants to increase and support our body’s natural process of detoxification. This happens due to increased metabolism and fat burning abilities. These tea also promote a healthy liver, digestive system and kidneys by streamlining the liver functioning and clearing out the digestive

My Top 6 Smoothies for Weight Loss

My Top 6 Smoothies for Weight Loss

The healthfulness of a smoothie depends on its ingredients and their proportions. Many smoothies include large or multiple servings of fruits or vegetables, which are recommended in a healthy diet. 5 basic ingredients which should ideally make up a healthy smoothie are https://youtu.be/qnCsmOFqcZk Water, Non diary milk or curd as baseSeasonal fruits and vegetablesChia or

10 Detox Water Recipes

10 Detox Water Recipes

Using expensive and latest beauty products may help you achieve clear and glowing skin, however, what we put inside our bodies brings out the natural beauty. And what better way to do that than to drink your way to gorgeous skin. Detox water is the perfect way to get all the necessary nutrients required for

5 Amazing Green Detox Juices for Weight Loss

Fresh green juices make you feel better all around. They reduce cancer risks, lower blood pressure, lower the bad cholesterol levels, normalise digestion time, support retinal health and vision, fight harmful free radicals and improve the overall immunity of the body. Apart from this, green juices have excellent healing and detoxifying properties. Fresh green juices