Healthy Mango Sattu Smoothie

 Hello Everyone, sharing another healthy breakfast smoothie recipe for all mango lovers out there, Mango Sattu Smoothie. Sattu is roasted chana flour that is high in protein and fibre. Hence this Smoothie has good amount of protein and fiber, and is the best way to use your mangoes this summer. This Mango sattu Smoothie is guilt-free, Rich in Antioxidants and nutritious. It’s so yummy and refreshing. This 5 minute smoothie is a perfect way to start your morning on a busy day.


Chana Sattu- 1/4 Cup
Curd- 3/4 cup
Frozen mango- 1 Cup
Dates seedless- 3
Organic turmeric powder- 1/4 tsp
Black pepper powder- 1/8 tsp
Water as required
Peanut butter- 2 tsp


In a Blending jar combine Curd with Chana sattu
3 Seedless dates
Turmeric & black pepper powder
Peanut / Almond butter
Frozen mango
& water as required
Blend until mixed and smooth
In a serving glass add some ice cubes ( optional)
Transfer the Mango Sattu Smoothie

Enjoy your delicious breakfast Smoothie
Don’t store, consume Immediately

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