Sattu Chilla

Chilla is one of the most popular recipes of Indian cuisine. It is undoubtedly one of the most nutritious and satiable recipes that can be eaten either in breakfast or as an evening snack too. Sattu chilla is a full combo of nutrients as it is made up of all the easily feasible and highly

Two Weeks Breakfast Meal Plan

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. When you wake up from your overnight sleep, you may not have eaten for upto 10 hours. Breakfast replenishes the stores of energy and nutrients in the body. Once you’ve not eaten for long, your glycogen levels in the body are low. Why is breakfast

Quick Healthy Breakfast Recipes

Hello everyone, hope all of you are doing good and are keeping healthy and happy. Breakfast they say is the most important meal of the day. These Indian breakfast recipes are simple, delicious and easy to make. Breakfast is very important as our body is breaking the overnight fast and is getting rejuvenated. To get