April Weight Loss Diet Plan

Here is the April weight loss diet plan. With this diet plan, you can have a balanced and nutritious diet every single day of the week. Remember, like always, eating right is the start of your journey for weight loss. Unless you maintain a healthy lifestyle, indulge in physical exercise weight even if achieved through

The Secret To Losing Fat

Weight loss is much more than giving up your favorite food or snacks. It’s also not about hours spent training. It’s certainly not just about gaining knowledge or listening to expert advice. Weight loss is all about mastering some very basic healthy habits that help create the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. 75 % of

January Weight Loss Diet Plan

Have you taken up our January challenge to lose weight ! If yes, then here is the 2 weeks Indian vegetarian diet / meal plan to help you achieve your weight loss goals. With this diet plan you can have a balanced and nutritious diet on a day to day basis. This diet plan is

Weight Loss Challenge

2 Weeks November Weight Loss Diet Plan

Hello everyone, hope all of you are doing good and are keeping healthy and happy. Have you taken up our november festival weight loss challenge to maintain and lose weight! If yes, here is the two weeks Indian vegetarian diet / meal plan to help you achieve your festival weight loss goals. With this diet

Six Must Eat Things For Weight Loss

Hello everyone, hope all of you are doing good and are keeping healthy and happy. All of us want to lose that extra weight and proper activities supplemented with the right food is the easiet way to go about it. This article discusses six such food which you must include in your diet for easy

Two Weeks September Diet Plan For Weight Loss

Hello everyone, hope all of you are doing good and are keeping healthy and happy. The September vegetarian two weeks diet plan is a single ingredient meal plan to lose belly fat. This diet plan is customed to follow a minimalist approach to eating healthy meals to lose weight and improve digestion. This diet plan

The perfect diet plan for weight loss

Hello everyone, hope all of you are doing good and are keeping healthy and happy. To stay healthy and in our ideal weight window, it is imperative that we include food from all food gorup in our diet. Being a vegetarian, sometimes one doesn’t many options to get the perfect food ingredients which can be

500 Calorie Detox Diet Plan

In almost all the diet plans I share, there is one kept / classified as detox day. Let’s see what is this detox day all about. One detox day in the week can help you bring back all the energy, focus and boost you need. This article will also contain certain rules which you should

July Weight Loss Diet Plan

Hello everyone, hope you’re all keeping safe, healthy and happy. This is the 2 weeks diet plan for weight loss during monsoons. This diet plan is based upon intermittent fasting format as well as having 5-6 small meals everyday. These multiple small meals will enable you to stay energetic and will help boost your metabolism.