6 Breakfast Recipes for Weight Loss

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It jump starts your metabolism and thus helps you burn more calories throughout the day. When you eat breakfast you tell your body that there are plenty of calories to be had for the day. Certain benefits of eating breakfast are :- Lower BMIBetter attention and

My Weekly Workout Plan for Weight Loss

It is extremely important to plan your work out through the week. A well planned out workout through the week will help you achieve the desired level of fitness without feeling tired. Your stamina, your workout timings and strength might not be great to start with but with dedicated effort your body can achieve wonders.

20 Best Food Combination As per Ayurveda & Science

20 Best Food Combination As per Ayurveda & Science

Eating healthy food obviously has numerous benefits. It keeps you healthy, nourished, improves your memory and other body functions. Eating healthy also ensures that you reduce the risk of diseases. Good nutrition is an inherent part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined with good physical activity, your diet can help you achieve and maintain a

Is Milk Tea (Chai) Good or Bad for Weigh Loss ?

Is Milk Tea (Chai) Good or Bad for Weight Loss ?

We often hear / read that drinking tea (specially green or matcha tea) can help us lose that extra weight. But is that also true for our very milk tea which almost all of us are so fond of.Most of us Indians love our masala milk tea. However, when it comes to healthy tea options,

Planning Steps for Permanent Weight Loss

Planning Steps for Permanent Weight Loss

There are many ways to lose weight fast. However, most of them will either make you feel really hungry and unsatisfied or in other cases the weight will come with a vengeance. Weight loss in individuals who are overweight and obese can reduce health risks, increase fitness and delay the onset of diabetes. Apart from

10 Food to Eat Everyday in Winters

10 Food to Eat Everyday in Winters

We are what we eat. Maintaining a wholesome diet is vital for your health. Eating right is important for staying at a healthy weight and keeping the right energy balance. Maintaining the balance between calories, that is calories you consume and calories you burn is extremely important. The importance of good nutrition can not be

Health Benefits of Fennel Seeds (Saunf) and Weight Loss

Fennel ( Saunf): Benefits, Uses & Dosage

Fennel is a very widely used culinary herb and medicinal plant. Both the bulb and the seeds of a fennel plant have a mild licorice like flavour. Aside from its culinary uses, fennel and its seeds offer a wide array of health benefits. It is an anti oxidant, is anti inflammatory and has anti bacterial

5 Healthy Milk Recipes

5 Healthy Milk Recipes

As grownups, we're well aware of the fact that milk is good for us. But beyond this vague notion very few of us know why and how is milk important to our health. Let us see what milk is all about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kopE8Siab1g Milk's makeup Milk is filled with these essential ingredients that benefit our healthCalciumProteinPotassiumPhosphorusVitamin

Cumin Seeds For Weight Loss

Cumin seeds ( Jeera ) : Health Benefits, Uses and Dosage

Cumin Seeds For Weight Loss Cumin (Jeera in hindi) is a spice made from seeds of the cuminum cyminum plant. Cumin lends its distinctive flavour to chilli, tomatoes and various other Indian curries. Its flavour is earthy, nutty, spicy and warm. A number of studies have confirmed the health benefits of cumin. For a very

Amazing Benefits of Fenugreek (Methi)

Fenugreek ( Methi) : Benefits, Uses and Dosage

Amazing Benefits of Fenugreek (Methi) Fenugreek is an amazing herb which is a common ingredient in a number of Indian dishes. It is often used in alternative medicine and is also taken as a supplement. Fenugreek basically is a plant that is about 2-3 feet tall. It has green leaves, small white flowers and pods