Types of Cinnamon

Do’s and Don’t of Using Cinnamon for Weight Loss

Cinnamon is a spice derived from an evergreen tropical tree species. It is used mainly as a condiment in a variety of dishes. With its therapeutic and antioxidants Cinnamon can help you lose weight along with other health benefits. Cinnamon as a spice exists for over 5000 years. In addition to being a kitchen staple,

Simple Habits To Inculcate For Massive Weight Loss

12 Simple Habits for Massive Weight Loss

Simple Habits To Inculcate For Massive Weight Loss In the new year a number of us set new goals for ourselves. One of the most common goal or aim for everyone is to stay fit and healthy. Lose weight to gain confidence and avoid lifestyle diseases which are so common in today's world. When it

Probiotic or Fermented Food Recipes with Benefits

Probiotic or Fermented Food Recipes with Benefits

Probiotics / Fermented Food for Weight Loss and Reducing Belly Fat Probiotics are substances that encourage the growth of bacteria, specially beneficial bacteria, that helps keep the intestinal health in balance. These probiotics are found in both supplementsand fermented food. Probiotics improve digestive health, nutrient absorption, heart health and immune functioning apart from a number

Homemade Natural Lip Balm

Homemade Natural Lip Balm

With the onset of dry, cold weather, the presence of chapped lips is bound to increase. Your lips don’t have any oil glands, so they’re almost always exposed to the harsh elements. Exposure to sun, wind and the cold dry air can contribute to chapped lips. Applying the homemade lip balm is the best way

5 Vegetarian Dinner Soup Recipes

The 5 veg dinner soup recipes discussed here are suitable for all age groups. These are simple and relatively easy to make. They are super healthy, delicious and wholesome. These recipes are high in protein and fibre which keep you full for long, maintaining your sugar level and curbing the hunger pangs. https://youtu.be/30kvYK9oi4o 1. Spinach

Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

There are many reasons why we gain belly fat, including poor diet, lack of exercise and stress. Improving nutrition, increased activity, reducing stress and making simple lifestyle changes can help people lose the stubborn and unwanted belly fat. Dealing with this soft layer of squishy fat around the waist can be really annoying. It is

5 Winter Detox Tea : When & How to Drink

Detox or cleansing teas are herbal teas which contain plant based phytonutrients and antioxidants to increase and support our body’s natural process of detoxification. This happens due to increased metabolism and fat burning abilities. These tea also promote a healthy liver, digestive system and kidneys by streamlining the liver functioning and clearing out the digestive

How to Run for Weight Loss

How to Run for Weight Loss

If you’re trying to lose weight, you may wonder if running is the solution. Different body types react differently to running, one loses calories and excess fat with a smart running program. For any person to lose weight, there is a need to create substantial calorie deficit which you can achieve either by eating fewer

Apple Cider Vinegar: Benefits, Uses & Dosage

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is a vinegar made from fermented apple juice. It’s made by crushing apples and squeezing out their juice. Bacteria and yeast are added to the liquid to start the fermentation process. The liquid gets converted to vinegar by the acetic acid forming bacteria. Apple cider vinegar is the most popular type of

January Weight Loss Challenge

January Weight Loss Challenge

January Weight Loss Challenge Weight Loss Steps For Beginners It's that time of year where it seems like everyone is only talking about being healthier and losing weight. But if you're like majority of people, the good intentions never seem to translate into success. January is the time when everyone tries to inculcate healthy habits