November Weight Loss Diet Plan

This is the diet plan for the month of November. This is a 1300 calorie fat loss meal plan. If you’ve taken up our November festival weight loss challenge to maintain and lose weight, here is the two week weight loss diet plan. This diet plan gives you a balanced and nutritious diet on a

1400 Calorie Veg Diet Plan

This Indian diet plan is a part of our September weight loss challenge. It is designed to help you achieve the pre festive season weight loss goals. This diet plan is meant for maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet throughout the month. It contains food from all the important food groups, it is simple and

August Weight Loss Diet Plan

August weight loss diet plan. This is the diet plan for the august fat loss challenge. Try this 1400 calorie two weeks full meal plan to lose 10 kgs. This diet is high on protein and fibre. Instead fad diets like keto, low carb, paleo etc and eliminating one particular food group from the diet,

June Weight Loss Diet Plan

This diet plan is for you to help achieve your june weight loss goals. With this diet plan you can have a balanced and nutritious diet on a daily basis. This diet plan is a bit challenging, the diet is slightly low on carbs and high on protein and fibre. It is suited for anyone