September Weight Loss Challenge

This is the September weight loss challenge. The most difficult weight loss challenge which will motivate you to work harder to achieve your fitness goals. If you’ve spent 2021 trying hard to follow healthy habits, just to fall off the bandwagon, than let’s try to start this month on a perfect note. Tackle all your

August Weight Loss Diet Plan

August weight loss diet plan. This is the diet plan for the august fat loss challenge. Try this 1400 calorie two weeks full meal plan to lose 10 kgs. This diet is high on protein and fibre. Instead fad diets like keto, low carb, paleo etc and eliminating one particular food group from the diet,

July Weight Loss Challenge

Planning how to lose weight and stay fit in the rainy season. We have the july weight loss challenge with most effective tips for monsoon weight loss plan. Included in the weight loss plan are some important do’s and don’t’s for rainy season to lose weight and maintain good health. During rainy season, our bodies

Weight Loss Challenge

April Weight Loss Challenge

April weight loss challenge is all about losing belly fat in summers. This weight loss challenge is also about managing fatigue, eating right, increasing something called NEAT and breaking the junk cycle. This weight loss challenge will also cover improving productivity and keeping laziness at bay. Also included are some useful tips to plan and

March Weight Loss Challenge

Here are all the diet, workout and productivity related tips that you need to lose weight and stay fit in the summers. Our focus fir the month of march will be to prepare ourselves physically and mentally for the upcoming season. We’ve also highlighted all the food which you must include in your diet. The

December Weight Loss Challenge

Hello everyone, hope all of you are doing good and are keeping healthy and happy. December weight loss challenge is all about being organised, planning well, setting goals, executing your plans and saving time in doing so. Deciding what to do in the last few days of the year can be a difficult task since

October Weight Loss And Fitness Challenge

Hello everyone, hope all of you are doing good and are keeping healthy and happy. This is the article for our biggest pre festival weight loss challenge. This challenge is a team up or partner challenge. The idea of doing this challenge in a team is to keep each other motivated. You can have 2

July Weight Loss Challenge

Hello everyone, hope you’re all doing good are keeping happy and healthy. It’s time to step it up. This is the article for the july weight loss challenge. This article includes weight loss, diet and lifestyle strategies to set daily goals and daily tasks to complete. This month we also focus on energy, immunity and

What I Eat & Drink In A Day

What I Eat And Drink In a Day : My 1200 Calorie Diet And Meal Plan In this article, I’ll talk about what I eat and drink in a day. I’ll  also talk about the kind of food items I’m focusing on consuming. This meal plan is a 1100-1200 calorie meal plan. I am currently

Weight Loss Habits to Start Now

Hey everyone, hope all of you are keeping safe and healthy. This article is about simple habits that you can unculcate in your routine to help you lose weight and also lead a healthy lifestyle. These habits / tips are seemingly very simple but it’s always the simple things that are the most important