Before hoping onto the truth of intermittent fasting, let’s run by the basics first.
What is Intermittent Fasting?
In layman’s language, An eating pattern known as intermittent fasting (IF) alternates between periods of fasting and eating.
It focuses on the timing of your meals rather than the specific items you should eat. This means that it isn’t a diet in the traditional sense; rather, it is an eating pattern.
BONUS: Women should stick to the 14:10 window to get better results as far as I have experienced.
Everyone talks about the basics of a diet or a thing, but basics are not everything, if you want to get succeeded in a thing, you need to reach the core of it, understand it, and then practice it.
Apart from what “INTERMITTENT FASTING” is , how it is done, advantages and disadvantages, today we got you the core of it and that includes the scientific point of view to look for intermittent fasting.
Scientific Factors that determine the success of Intermittent Fasting:

- Fat oxidation & metabolic flexibility: when it’s high or Low
Fat are also known as the “Energy emergency stores”. At first, our body consumes carbohydrates and grab energy out of it, but once the carbohydrate stores are empty, it moves on to fat stores to gain energy. Therefore weight loss diets are low on carb, so that carbs get utilized and you move onto fat stores and this leads to fat mobilization and oxidation.
- Digestion: good or poor.
- Inflammation: internal or external
- Hormones response.
I always advise women to follow the window of 14:10 for intermittent fasting so as to avoid seeing and experiencing disruption in the functioning of their hormones.
- Glucose levels & insulin concentration.
Long periods of fasting in some individuals can fluctuate their insuline levels and which is not at all good, therefore, it is advisable to start fasting from smaller intervals first.
- Immune cell activity.
- Stress response and levels: high or low.
Research findings on window size!
When we teach a child how to walk, we never directly say him/her to walk, instead we teach them baby steps, little steps and then eventually they learn how to walk.
Similar is the case here!
People who have slightly smaller windows have a higher rate of fat oxidation. Meaning their bodies break down more fat stores, but gradually their metabolic flexibility drops.
That means you can see success with small windows like 12-12 in the beginning, but you must reduce the window to 13-11 or so on, gradually to see better weight loss results.
Research findings on skipping meals !

- Even if skipping meals doesn’t effect glucose levels and insulin secretion, but it can lead to high glucose concentration and inflammation.
- Breakfast eaters were found to have lower cholesterol & lower blood pressure due to lower stress levels.
- Skipping meals leads to overeating which causes indigestion.
Whatsoever the scenario being, and no matter what you have done till now, you shall now keep the following things in mind about Intermittent Fasting:
- It should simplify your lifestyle, not complicate it.
- Listen to your body on when to eat & not eat ( timings).
- You must improve discipline gradually.
- Any gap from 12-16 is good to start with.
- Don’t try to follow anyone, keep it bio-individual.
- Find out a window that suits your daily lifestyle.
- The number of meals Like 5, 3, or 2 should be decided on your comfort levels.
- Spread calories throughout the day, and take more small meals over 3 big meals.
- Lunch should be your biggest meal though, as compared to other meals.
- High-quality protein & fiber is a must to curb cravings, so add an adequate portion of them in every meal.
- Eat a clean diet, and avoid processed and junk food.
- Failing once in a while to follow a routine is fine. Don’t fret about it & get back on track as soon as possible.
This is all you need to know about INTERMITTENT FASTING!
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